How to Use Analytics for Virtual Events
Getting back to in-person events is on everyone’s mind, but virtual is here to stay. Being forced to do events differently has actually been a blessing in disguise for data. Making the most out of the switch to digital can only happen when you know how to use analytics for your virtual events.
Using web features and careful planning, you can learn every single move your attendees make. Every. Single. One. The opportunity cost is sizable when you don’t put the data to work for you through analysis.
What we learn about your customer can help you target them with the exact content they want. Data is powerful, and having a team who knows how to harness it is invaluable. Read on for the specific ways you can use analytics to add value to your virtual event.
Customer Segment Analytics
Grouping attendees is customary, but understanding how those segments interact with your content reveals hidden truths about them. The tracks can provide different overall experiences, tailored for that particular audience. Taking a look at how the groups behave as a body unlocks the greater meaning and widens your scope of knowledge about who they are.
Real Time Reactions
People know how to use reactions from Facebook and LinkedIn, making it an easy transition with sure results. The individual reactions can be custom to your event and provide branded insight beyond just likes and hearts. Presenters can even see the reactions as they’re on stage, providing the feedback that’s sometimes missing from virtual.
Once the show is over, the data of who liked what and when can be overlaid on the recording of your program, with a line graph to show the rise in reactions at their exact time during the show. People average five reactions per stream, which tells us they love this feature. Give the people what they want!
Meetings Data
Unless you’re spying on an in-person attendee, there’s no way to know exactly who they talked to at an event. Virtual changes that completely. Every interaction is traced, so you can know exactly who met with who, and for how long.
Trace a VIP from login through all their steps to understand them on a new level. Private conversations are never recorded without permission, but knowing the conversations happened is a valuable metric alone.
Viewer Retention and Attendance
The same way scanning your badge at the door of a session signals to the convention planners, we know where people attended. The difference is we don’t miss anything. We know when people got there, when they left, and how many stayed the whole time. If there was a drop off at a certain point in the program or session, you can see that and decide how to better engage the audience.
Who Asked a Question
One key metric that’s hard to account for in person is who asked a question during a session. When someone approaches a mic in real life, the connection is missed. What if you want to follow up with him? Knowing exactly which user asked a question and when is valuable later, but also during your event. With digital access to the asker’s profile, anyone watching can easily reach out directly.
These only scratch the surface of meaningful data mining. Advanced planning and careful considerations beforehand are the best way to ensure information is collected in a way that adds to ROI and feeds the marketing funnel. We’re happy to help you win bids, and win big with your data.