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Virtual Event Platforms
Virtual Event Platforms
Virtual Event Platforms
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Case Study: CNET
CNET helped pave the way for virtual events. With the help of our broadcasting studios, you can now connect to your audiences remotely.
NMR Connect and the Future of Events
NMR Connect kick off webinar was filled with event tools and tips to help you when planning your next event.
NMR's Platform and Landing Pages
NMR platforms and landing pages can be used for both in person and virtual events, incorporating all audiences.
Case Study: Brother Product Summit
When the world turned virtual, NMR Events innovated a way for Brother USA to host their product launch in a virtual environment.
Quicklink Technology for Hybrid Events
Quicklink technology for hybrid events and virtual productions is the only way to ensure ease of presenter access the lowest risk in show.
5 Things That Go Wrong in Virtual Events
There is no “one size fits all” for virtual events, but here are 5 things that commonly go wrong.
7 Ways to Elevate Your Virtual Event
Virtual events are part of the hybrid future. Here are seven ways to elevate your virtual event.
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